Minho Aveiro Porto
  • Essay Topics 2014-2015
Universidade do Minho
Universidade de Aveiro
Universidade do Porto

Essay 2015-16

Important dates

Deadline for submission: September 9.
Information on submission procedure will
be available here

Essay presentations: September 28th in 

Departamento de Física e Astronomia

Universidade do Porto

R Campo Alegre s/n

4169 - 007 Porto

Essay Guidelines.

The Scientific Council of MAP-fis has issued this  document clarifying the objectives of the essay and the form of your written report.

List of Proposed Essay Topics for 2015-2016

New Nanogenerators for Thermal Energy Harvesting,
André Pereira, ampereira@fc.up.pt

High-aspect-ratio magnetic nanoparticles as a multimodal nanocarriers for cancer therapies,
Célia Tavares de Sousa, celiasousa@fc.up.pt

Optical Fiber tweezers: tools for manipulation and sensing Optical Fiber tweezers
Pedro Jorge e Ariel Guerreiro, pedro.jorge@fc.up.pt, asguerre@fc.up.pt

Ultrafast Dynamics in Nanostructured Magnetoplasmonic Materials,
David Navas and Helder Crespo, dnavas@fc.up.pt , hcrespo@fc.up,pt

Exact models of gravitational collapse to black holes with gravitational wave emission,
Filipe Mena, fmena@math.uminho.pt

Tuning properties in multifunctional transition metal oxide,
Teresa Carvalho, ttranchete@fc.up.pt

Quantum black holes and the singularity problem,
Orfeu Bertolami, orfeu.bertolami@gmail.com

Induced Functional Shifts of Nanometric regions at Materials Interfaces,
Fábio Gabriel Nazário Figueiras. ffigueiras@ua.pt

Plasmonics with CEP stabilized ultrashort laser pulses,
Helder M. Crespo & Rosa Weigand (Complutense Univ. Madrid, Spain) hcrespo@fc.up.pt

Manipulating the metal-insulator transition and emergence of new functionalities in nickelate-based superlattices.
Joaquim Agostinho Gomes Moreira, jamoreir@fc.up.pt

Radiative transitions in Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4,
Joaquim Fernando Monteiro de Carvalho Pratas Leitão / Pedro Salomé
joaquim.leitao@ua.pt / pedro.salome@inl.int

Measuring neural activity using bio-compatible nano-electronics,
Joao Oliveira Ventura & Paulo Castro Aguiar,joventur@fc.up.pt

Photoelectrochemical cells for hydrogen production from solar energy,
João Pedro Esteves de Araújo, jearaujo@fc.up.pt

Nonlinear optics in hollow-core waveguides,
Mário F. S. Ferreira, mfernando@ua.pt

Photoactive nanostructured materials and their application to optoelectronic devices,
Pedro Alpuim (UM and INL) ; Lifeng Liu (INL), pedro.alpuim.us@inl.int , lifeng.liu@inl.int

Multilayers and heterostructures of bidimensional materials,
Ricardo Mendes Ribeiro,  ricardo.ribeiro@physics.org

Topology and geometrical frustration in itinerant electronic systems
Ricardo Assis Guimarães Dias, rdias@ua.pt

Solar selective absorber for high temperature applications
Luis Manuel Fernandes Rebouta, rebouta@fisica.uminho.pt

Magnetic liposomes based on calcium and magnesium ferrite nanoparticles as nanocarriers for antitumor drugs
Paulo J. G. Coutinho (supervisor) / Elisabete M. S. Castanheira (co-supervisor),  pcoutinho@fisica.uminho.pt; ecoutinho@fisica.uminho.pt

High-harmonic generation dispersion-scan: a powerful new tool for attosecond science and metrology,
Helder M. Crespo & Íñigo J. Sola (University of Salamanca, Spain), hcrespo@fc.up.pt

Strain Coupled Nanofibers by Electrospinning
Bernardo Almeida, bernardo@fisica.uminho.pt

Fabrication of optical sensing devices by 3D laser micromachining
Paulo Vicente Silva Marques and Pedro Alberto da Silva Jorge,  psmarque@fc.up.pt; pedro.jorge@fc.up.pt

The pomeron in the ATLAS Forward Proton project,
Miguel Sousa Costa & Nuno Castro, miguelc@fc.up.pt,   nuno.castro@cern.ch

Melin amplitudes in minimal models
Miguel Sousa Costa & João Penedones,  miguelc@fc.up.ptjpenedones@gmail.com

Opportunities of Micro and Nano Optical Fiber Tools in Neuroscience
João Paulo Silva Cunha, jcunha@ieee.org