Minho Aveiro Porto
  • Program
Universidade do Minho
Universidade de Aveiro
Universidade do Porto

4th MAP-i Doctoral Symposium

12-14 September 2011

The 4th edition of the MAP-i Doctoral Symposium takes place at the Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Engenharia, from September 12th till September 14th, 2011.

The program is available here

Invited talks:

Monday 11h/12h: Alexandra Silva, PhD survival Kit -- my personal experience

Wednesday 11h30/12h30: Ana Azevedo, Scientific and Technical Information: fitting context, needs and wisdom; Miguel Dias Costa, Computational Resources for Research

The invited talk  "PhD survival kit -- my personal experience" will be presented by Alexandra Silva

Abstract: In this talk, I will share my personal view on the ups and downs of doing a PhD.
I will discuss the importance of formal methods and theoretical computer science and I will also give a short introduction to the research on my PhD thesis, entitled Kleene Coalgebra.
Alexandra Silva is an assistant professor at the Foundations group in the Institute for Computing and Information Science of the Radboud University Nijmegen (The Netherlands).
She is also a member of HASLab, the University of Minho’s High-Assurance Software Laboratory. Her stays there are generously funded by an FCT grant.
From September 2010 to August 2011, she was a post-doc at the Foundations of software engineering group, at the CWI, in Amsterdam. During that period, she spent some wonderful months visiting Prof.Dexter Kozen at Cornell University.
Until September 2010, she was a PhD student at the CWI under the supervision of Jan Rutten and Marcello Bonsangue. Her thesis, entitled Kleene coalgebra, was defended on the 21st December 2010 at the Radboud University, in Nijmegen.
Before, she was a graduate student at University of Minho (Braga, Portugal). She completed her 5-year Maths and Computer Science degree in May 2006. The final project, Strong Types for Relational Data Stored in Databases or Spreadsheets, was supervised by J.N.Oliveira and Joost Visser.

The invited talk "Scientific and Technical Information: Fitting Context, Needs and Wisdom" will be presented by Ana Azevedo.

This presentation intends to draw the attention towards these three mentioned basic components of information use and management in R&D activities.

Communication will also be addressed.

The effective use of information (and data) as the resource in Science requires critical skills in the area.

Information is a good, an asset, managed by the Market interests and the Scientific Community competition.

Suggestions about how can the scientific community navigate in this choppy ocean will be present through practical examples of scientific resources use.

Short bio

Ana Azevedo holds a Master degree in Information Management. She is the director of the Library of FEUP. She teaches at the Bachelor and Master in Information Science.