Communication in Science (2023-24)
Map-fis Curricular Unit: 3 ECTS
Teaching language
Portuguese and EnglishObjectives
To develop and hone skills for oral presentations in a scientific contextLearning outcomes and competences
By the end of this course students will be able to:- Demonstrate the ability to reflect critically about the impact of communication in interpersonal relationships (potentialities and constraints of communication);
- Identify and apply the necessary tools (knowledge, attitudes and behaviors) that support the development of public speaking skills;
- Communicate effectively in an oral presentation;
- Formulate a well-organized argument supported by evidence, strengthening the researcher’s role in the scientific community and in the society in general;
- Achieve higher rates of satisfaction and lower levels of anxiety associated with public speaking.
Working method
PresencialPre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)
a) Target your talk;
b) Organize your presentation;
c) Visual aids;
d) Voice and language;
e) Body language and gestures;
f) Take control of the situation;
g) When the unexpected happens;
h) Handling question and answer sessions;
i) Inspire your audience.
Mandatory literature
- Walters, E. & Walters, G; Scientists must speak (2nd edition), NY, CRC Press Taylor and Francis, 2011. ISBN: 978-0-205-62570-3
- Institution of Chemical Engineers; Communication skills for engineers and scientists., Institution of Chemical Engineers, 1994. ISBN: 0-85295-354-2
- Olson, Randy; Don´t Be Such a Scientist: Talking Substance in an Age of Style., London: Island Press., 2009
Complementary Bibliography
- Ailes, R; You are the message: getting what you want by being who you are, New york: Doubleday., 1988
- Anholt, R.R. ; Dazzle’ em with style: the art of oral scientific presentation. 2nd ed, Burlington, MA: Elsevier academic press., 2006
- Buzan, T. & b. Buzan; The mind map book, New York: Dutton., 1993
- DeVito, Joseph A; The interpersonal communication book, Boston: Pearson , 2009. ISBN: 978-0-205-62570-3
- Leech T.; How to prepare stage and deliver winning presentations (3rd ed), NY Amacom