Minho Aveiro Porto
  • Template for Latex file
Universidade do Minho
Universidade de Aveiro
Universidade do Porto

Template for Latex file

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Size 2.6 kB - File type text/x-tex

File contents

%  Sample abstract for Workshop on Correlations
%  and Coherence in Quantum Matter
%  Please, edit this file as required.
%  Submit your abstract via e-mail to ccqm@fisica.uminho.pt
%  with the subject line, "CCQM 2008 Abstract Submission yourlastname".
%  Confirmation of your abstract submission will be sent to you by e-mail.

%  Format of the abstract.
%  Do not modify.



\title{ Theory of Superconductivity }

%  For more authors with a different affiliation
%  add more \author{} and \affiliation{} lines

\author{ J. Bardeen  }
\author{ L. N. Cooper  }
\affiliation{ Department of Physics, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois }

\author{ J. R. Schrieffer}
\altaffiliation[Also at ]{Department of Physics, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois}  %  this line is optional
\affiliation{Department of Theoretical Physics, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England}
\email{Schrieffer@email.email}   %  this line is optional

%  End with two "\newline" commands.


Enter abstract text in the following lines.
A theory of superconductivity is presented,
based on the fact that the interaction between
electrons resulting from virtual exchange of phonons
is attractive when the energy difference between the
electrons states involved is less than the phonon energy, $\hbar \omega$ [1].
It is favorable to form a superconducting phase when
this attractive interaction dominates the repulsive
screened Coulomb interaction. The normal phase is described
by the Bloch individual-particle model.
%  Citations:
%  Citations should end with a "\newline" command.
%  See the following examples.
1.  H. Frohlich, Phys. Rev. {\bf  79}, 845 (1950). \newline
2.  L. N. Cooper, Phys. Rev. {\bf 104}, 1189 (1956) .
%  End of file.
%  Do not modify.